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#51 | Building A Circle of Men - Bill Kauth (ManKind Project)

#50 | Reclaiming Your Ancestral Roots - Dor and Ophir Haberer (Kinhood)

#49 | Agents of Cultural Regeneration- Steven Martyn (The Sacred Gardener)

#48 | The Second Most Interesting Man In The World - Robin Esrock (Bucket List)

Bonus | Sex, Men & Stealing the Key - Heather Pennell (Kin of Kind)

#47 | Bringing Fatherhood Into Alignment - Chris Fletcher (Nine Rings)

Bonus | Sketching The God of Ecstasy, Dionysus - Red K Elders

#46 | Rewilding The Fungal Gods - Sophie Strand (The Flowering Wand)

#45 | Navigating Your Underworld With Conscious Kink - Justice Schanfarber

#44 | A Psychedelic Guide to Healing Trauma - Deus Fortier (The Impeccable Man)

#43 | Gender Is A Lie, Gender Is a Truth - Zhenevere Sophia Dao

#42 | Attuning to the Deep Feminine - Maya Luna

#41 | The Journey of Soul Initiation - Bill Plotkin (Soulcraft)

#40 | Before The Patriarch, The Trickster - Allan Chinen (Beyond the Hero)

#39 | What the Hand That Dare Seize Fire - Matthew Stillman

#38 | We Shall Dance With Chaos - Ramon Parish (Naropa University)

#37 | Last Stand for the Ancient Forests - Yogi Shambu (Fairy Creek Blockade)

#36 | Video Games, Violence and Healing the Shadow Lover - Eivind Skjellum

#35 | A Man’s Guide to the Mystery of Menstruation - Meghan Kurts