#46 | Rewilding The Fungal Gods - Sophie Strand (The Flowering Wand)

Mythic Masculine - Wide thumbnails.png
The way out of a monolithic story is by asking for another story.
— Sophie Strand

My guest today is Sophie Strand, a writer who focuses on the intersection of spirituality, storytelling, and ecology. Though she admits, it would be more accurate to call her a neo-troubadour animist with a propensity to spin yarns that inevitably turn into love stories.

I first encountered her work on social media, reading her surprising and beautiful essays from her forthcoming book: The Flowering Wand: Lunar Kings, Lichenized Lovers, Transpecies Magicians, and Rhizomatic Harpists Heal the Masculine.

In our conversation today, we explore the connection between mycelium and myth, and how various gods from Jesus to Dionysus, can be seen more clearly as related to specific ecosystems and specific times.  Sophie makes the case to dissolve toxic masculinity by dispersing it within a chorus of diversity, and why the Hero’s Journey would benefit from a little intentional pruning. 

And finally, we unpack the wild nature of emergent systems, and how wedding our wounds to the wounds of the earth could invite a kaleidoscopic empathy for an ecocentric activism rooted in participation, not salvation.




Patriarchy as a translation
Myths are the fruiting body of much older, continuous creatures
The virtuous cycle of decay
Wed our wounds to the wounds of the earth
Composting toxic masculinity
Reclaiming Dionysus
Chaos of emergent systems
We have to make revolution irresistible
Courting our ecosystems
Trauma and the split between body/matter
Tending is an act of love
Pruning the Hero’s Journey
Practice kaleidoscopic empathy


Bonus | Sketching The God of Ecstasy, Dionysus - Red K Elders


#45 | Navigating Your Underworld With Conscious Kink - Justice Schanfarber