One on One Mentorship

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey to deepen your self-knowledge and enhance your relationships?

I offer relational coaching tailored specifically for men.

By combining the elements of mythology, archetypes, and somatic practices, I help you integrate and re-pattern the core aspects of your being.

Through our sessions, you'll learn practical tools and profound insights to navigate the complexities of your relationships with integrity and authenticity.

Let's work together to empower you to thrive in all areas of your life.

Ian MacKenzie
Founder of The Mythic Masculine

My areas of focus:

  • Accessing deeper self-knowledge and sense of power & purpose

  • Learning the skills of conscious communication & repair

  • Navigating monogamy as well as alternative relationship structures like polyamory

  • Integrating BDSM, Kink & Shadow work

  • Understanding and co-creating rites of passage & ritual

But not limited to…


Ian’s mentorship approach made me feel seen in the muck of wanting to connect with my own creativity. His perspective, lived experiences that he shared so honestly, and direct inquiry supported my unique pursuit of the relationship I am seeking with myself and the relationships I want to create in my life.
— Brian, client
My experiences being facilitated by Ian have shaped what I look for in a therapist- someone who I can feel holds space with care and attention, and who offers creative viewpoints I hadn’t yet imagined. Each experience with Ian has been profound, with an invaluable shift in my perspective, and an inspired drive to keep diving deeper!
— Paul, Therapist
Ian brings a keen intuition and curious spirit to coaching and facilitation. In my time working with him, I’ve been most struck by the organic quality of his approach. This quality comes, I think, from his depth of attunement and his willingness to follow his intuition. In the dance of a coaching session with Ian, the smallest gesture can bloom into something profound.
— Tyler, client

Session Overview

Coaching sessions are 75 minute zoom calls which include live coaching, explorations, processes, practices, and personalized action steps to be implemented outside of calls.

A follow-up overview & summary of each session is provided along with call recordings.

For folks in the Duncan region of Vancouver Island, there is the option for In-Person Sessions.


Below are the pricing options for one-on-one coaching.

I ask for a minimum 3 month commitment as a necessary requirement to go deep enough to make real progress.

Frequency is twice per month.

2 x 75 min sessions: $150 session = $300 USD/month

You can pay monthly or the full amount upfront and receive a 10% discount ($810 USD)

I also have limited scholarship funds available, which can be discussed further if financial support is needed.

Further Resources

Listen to over 60+ episodes of The Mythic Masculine podcast, with leaders, relationship guides, mythologists, and wisdom keepers.

Subscribe to my newsletter on Substack, for more essays, articles, and resources to support your journey.

Begin your journey by diving into a foundations of masculinity course, like Iron John - A Mythic Story About Men.