The Network

Calling all lovers of story, mythology and wonder.

Welcome traveller. You must have journeyed far.

You’re invited to set your pack down and refresh your water skin. There’s a cistern just off to the right.

When you’re ready, come join the rest of us by the fireside.

We’re a few hours (or days or weeks) into a deep wondering about how things came to be as they are.

What happened to masculinity? How did we get here?

We’ve leapt into the realms of history, culture, and mythology. We’re tracking the whispers of the old gods, the archetypes and the prisms of poetry. We’re courting the ancient stories as they mingle with the emerging ones, offering libation through our dedicated wondering.

You have arrived.

This is the Mythic Masculine Network.

We are:

A growing community of artists, activists, poets, parents, scholars, who are co-creating an emergent, evolutionary experiment from all over the world.

We are weaving the threads of the first wave mythopoetic movement from the 90’s, from ‘Iron John’ to ‘Women Who Run With Wolves’, and bringing forth the perspective and voices that were missing then, and are needed now.

We are courageously diving into conversations on the masculine and feminine, that have become almost impossible to have out there in an increasingly polarized world.

And we invite you to join us. Start with a 14 day free trial.

Scholarships are also available. Learn more here.

Mythic Men’s Lodge

As part of the Mythic Masculine Network, you’ll gain access to the Men’s Lodge. This is a dedicated space to dive into a new tale each month alongside other men. Each month, we'll explore a specific story to illuminate our personal and collective mythopoetic journey over live calls and a private discussion area.

Your Guides

Ian MacKenzie

Ben Murphy

More Offerings of The Network

All members get access to the following:

Weekly Councils

Connect in ritual space over Zoom with members from all over the world. Be seen and practice your skills of holding space for others. You are held our skilled Facilitators.


Film Screenings & Classes

Each month, we hold special events like film screenings (for example The NeverEnding Story and The Last Unicorn), along with special events like Roundtables, Primal Movement, and more.

Dedicated Lodges

While all genders are welcome in the Network, we also offer private spaces for gendered folk to connect in emergent, alchemical meetings. (Non-binary and Queer Lodge to come).


Mythopoetic Library

We are gathering and curating the web’s most robust and rich collection of mythopoetic resources from teachers like Robert Bly, James Hillman, Marion Woodman, and many more.

Social Platform

Tired of Facebook? So are we. Our social network is a treasure trove of respectful, in-depth discussions on themes of mythology, culture, and masculinities.


Beyond the Podcast

For fans of the Mythic Masculine Podcast, you get access to a live bi-monthly Zoom series with host Ian MacKenzie.

What Members Are Saying:

“Just wanted to express my gratitude for this community and the unique, wonderful souls who comprise it. I’ve long said that the mythopoetic feels like home, and I am so grateful to have a home within that home. Looking forward to deepening, learning, and growing with you all.”

— Simon

“I feel such a resonance with this hui, this group. To watch for new forms coming up on the horizon as the sunsetting of patriarchy is obviously falling all around us...this is my treasure hunt. I think I've found my peeps!! I have been looking for a place away from the usual watering holes of social media connections, and this is feeling like such a solution. I had no idea that this kind of circle was even possible.”

— Kanani

"Hard to see the screen for weeping. Wish I had more money to give you for all the magic in this site and its marvelous members, its beyond any mythic dragons hoard. Here I have discovered friends and new horizons, fresh ways to engage with my sons and challenged my own crude masculinity. Step aboard this ship and be amongst a marvelous crew who sail the mythic oceans, while the titans of old fill the sails towards high adventure and tender courageous hearts."

— Tricky

The Mythic Masculine Network has been able to offer me insight, ideas, culture, community and connection at a time when I need it the most.
— Zain

Membership Options

It takes a lot of work and hours to create and tend The Mythic Masculine Network. At the same time, we offer memberships at multiple options, because we know everyone has different access to financial resources. Please choose the option that fitting for you - everyone gets access to the same horde of offerings.



Memberships also available for Canadians in CAD. Click here.

Scholarships available, especially for BIPOC folks.
Learn more here.

On a final note, I’m grateful you have considered joining us on The Mythic Masculine Network.

My goal is to cultivate a communal space where everyone’s gifts are honoured and included. This is how we generate an emergent, evolutionary response to these times of trouble.

See you inside.

Ian MacKenzie
Founder, The Mythic Masculine