#52 | Can Psychedelic Masculinity Stop War? - Nicholas Powers
My guest for this Live Episode will be Nicholas Powers, author of The Ground Below Zero: 9/11 to Burning Man, New Orleans to Darfur, Haiti to Occupy Wall Street. He is a poet and an associate professor of English at SUNY Old Westbury with writings in Truth-Out, HuffPost, Alternet and The Indypendent.
Nicholas recently published the essay “Can Psychedelic Masculinity Stop War?”, a poignant weaving of numerous threads I have explored here on The Mythic Masculine podcast. He weaves myth, psychedelics, culture theory, and more - I knew I had to reach out and make contact.
“A psychedelic men’s peace movement can continue what #MeToo started. Set and setting for psychedelic experiences can focus on guiding men away from the blood splattered God of War branded on our brains. We can transform into conscientious objectors to patriarchy.”