#2 | A Saga Of Sexual Initiation - John Wolfstone

If sexuality is not approached and integrated in modern rites of passage work, it will become an Achilles heel in the building of healthy culture.
— John Wolfstone

John Wolfstone is a filmmaker, wilderness rites-of-passage guide, and sacred clown focused on the work of cultural redemption. Over the past 10 years, he has been in service toward restorative justice, ancestral healing and peace building in conflict zones from rural Guatemalan villages, to Middle Eastern refugee camps and inner cities of the United States. In 2015, John and I began work on our feature documentary Sacred Matrix exploring the radical research community of Tamera in southern Portugal.

Since then, we have been on a deep journey of collaboration and brotherhood - complete with many bumps along the way. I am happy to have John in my studio today, where we discuss the his own rite of passage - through the lens of catastrophic personal heartbreak, which catapulted him on a journey into the underworld and back again. We speak about men’s sexuality, the gateway of grief, and the perspective that we are now in a time of planetary initiation.


John Wolfstone Encounters the Temple Priestess (Tamera)

Listen to an additional hour diving deeper behind this episode.


#3 | Shiva and the Mystic Path of Inner Integration: Zamir Dhanji


#1 | Villain or Messiah? The Rise of Jordan Peterson - Patricia Marcoccia & Maziar Ghaderi