#23 | The Divine Path of Intimacy - Jack Zimmerman (Flesh & Spirit)

The path of intimacy for a man is an opportunity for him to become the mythic lover.
— Jack Zimmerman

My guest today is Jack Zimmerman, an elder in the realm of relational intimacy. 

He is the co-author of The Way of Council (with Gigi Coyle), what I consider to be a key book on teaching the foundations of functional community.  He is also the co-author of Flesh and Spirit: The Mystery of Intimate Relationship, which he wrote with his life partner Jaquelyn McCandless.

In our conversation, we cover the origin and foundations of the council practice. We explore the mystery of partnership: from understanding resonating wounds and the nature of projection, to how to tune into the consciousness of the Third - that relational space between you and another person. 

And finally, he speaks how walking the path of radical intimacy is to partner with the evolutionary intelligence of life itself. 





Introduction to the Way of Council
The magic that happens when you listen deeply
The four intentions of council 
Meeting his partner Jacqueline
Approaching the book Flesh and Spirit
The miracle and the body 
“God’s fear of women”
Intimacy as a spiritual path 
Sharing dream time 
Tuning into your Third 
Intimacy is shared consciousness 
The nature of projection 
Intimacy is a way to heal our cultural differences 
Understanding resonating wounds 
Two ways to broaden the field of intimacy 
Shadow as the absence of consciousness 
An appetite for consciousness 
The distinction between monogamy and polyamory 
The rise of Lover archetypal 
Circles of Lovers
Grief is an invitation to connect


Special Episode | Launching the Mythic Masculine Network - Daniel Robert


#22 | Language Is A Lens - Jared Qwustenuxun Williams (Cowichan Tribes)