Awakening the Wild Erotic

A rite of passage to release sexual shame, liberate your essential nature, and embody the archetype of the Lover.

Next Event: Spring 2025, Vancouver Island.

Listen to an overview of the experience with facilitators Ian MacKenzie & Deus Fortier

For Men Who Are Seeking:

  • the opportunity to reclaim a core sense of vitality rooted in your masculine essence

  • to heal your relationship with men & develop a profound sense of trust & solidarity

  • to connect with a broader recognition of sexuality as the primal energy (Eros) that permeates all of life

  • to alchemize self-doubt and patterns of addiction that hold you back cultivating depth with your self & others

  • to let go of your armoured heart & celebrate the joy of being alive

This weekend combines the power of ritual space, interwoven with a mythosomatic framework to call in & embody the archetype of The Lover.

Understanding the Archetypes

There are four core masculine archetypes as put forth by the mythopoetic men’s movement.

An archetype is a primal pattern found in the collective unconscious (according to Carl Jung), and this map has provided depth and meaning for generations of men since the 1980’s.

Offerings abound by men’s work groups & facilitators to explore the Warrior, the Magician, and the King, but few are specifically focused on creating an opportunity to embody the Lover.

“The Lover is the primal energy pattern of what we could call vividness, aliveness, and passion. […] The Lover keeps the other masculine energies humane, loving and related to each other.”
- Robert Moore & Douglas Gilette

Why awaken the Lover?

There is an urgent call for men to awaken and embody the archetypal Lover.

This potent force beckons us to connect with the depths of our hearts and to cultivate a profound sense of intimacy, passion, and vulnerability in our relationships.

The archetypal Lover encourages men to move beyond mere physicality and embrace the sacred aspect of Eros, the primary force of life.

By awakening the Lover within, you will embark on a transformative journey of self-integration, recognizing that true strength lies in claiming the authenticity of the heart and your potency as an erotic being.

It is through this integration that you can forge a profound reconnection with yourself, your relationships and your experience of life.

You are invited to explore these realms in a rich, alchemical container alongside a group of men, in solidarity for personal and collective erotic evolution.

The Experience

Awaking the Wild Erotic (AWE) is an immersive invitation into vulnerable and (potentially) triggering territory.

The benefits you receive are directly proportional to your willingness to show up fully in an honest and courageous way.

Many of the principles and practices we will be exploring venture into the esoteric territory of myth, archetypes and somatics.

Gaining experiential wisdom rather than intellectual understanding requires a willingness to dive into the unknown with an open heart and mind.

This unique immersive experience will provide:

  • A focused, ritual container that provides fertile soil for long-term transformation

  • Deep connection with other like-minded men from diverse backgrounds

  • A rare opportunity to explore erotic themes in a safe and supportive space held by men

  • Personalized and attuned guidance and support from professional facilitators

  • Life-enhancing explorations that catalyze a paradigm shift on a personal and collective level

  • A deeper awareness and understanding of the invisible forces that shape our perception and experience of ourselves, others, and reality as a whole

Participant Testimonials

“[This weekend] was a healing journey into the depths of my erotic soul and helped me retrieve and reclaim some lost parts of myself. The willingness of the men who participated to be vulnerable and truly seen was inspiring and let me feel safe in sharing so much of myself. If you feel called: do it!”


This was the most powerful and transformative men's container I've ever been a part of. I noticed a total shift in the way I view and hold myself and how I fundamentally perceive myself.

My wife saw the same shift, immediately. It was a form of rite of passage into manhood that I never received. The insights I've gained from this container I already know will stick with me for the rest of my life.”


“I don't know how to convey everything that is happened in this retreat. I've written five poems since the first day of the retreat, and it's only the day after the closing ceremony. Eros is in my body, fire is in my belly and inspiration is in my bones. I came away changed. There was alchemy and magic in that space, and mysteries that are still unravelling.”


The Territory

We’ll explore questions like:

  • what is your personal story to your sexuality and what forces have shaped it?

  • what is the mysterious and alluring force of Eros and how to step into right relationship with it

  • how you can draw upon the mythic archetypes of the King, Magician, Warrior and Lover and beyond to liberate our masculine essence?

  • what is the function of male initiation, and why all traditional cultures practiced it (and continue to do so)?

  • plus, much more.

Modalities Include:

  • Ceremony & Ritual

  • Entheogen Medicine

  • Mythology & Archetypes

  • Council & Dyad Work

  • Cacao & Ecstatic Dance

  • Numa Breathwork

More Testimonials:

Who This Is For:

Men of any age who:

  • Are devoted and dedicated to dissolving their erotic barriers and blockages

  • Enjoy facilitated spaces where they are challenged and supported in equal measure

  • Are open to exploring vulnerable, sensitive topics in a group setting

  • Wish to connect to a like-minded community of men

  • Are passionate about learning new ideas, approaches, practices and perspectives

  • Are inspired by mythopoetic archetypes and non-conventional methodologies

  • Have the desire for more ritual and ceremony in their life

  • Have some degree of experience with shadow work or therapeutic processing

Meet Your Guides

Ian MacKenzie is a filmmaker and cultural storyteller that has been tracking the seeds of emergent culture for over 15 years. His films include Sacred Economics (2012), Occupy Love (2013), and Amplify Her (2017) and the currently touring The Village of Lovers (2023). He is also the creator of The Mythic Masculine Podcast and co-founder of The School of Mythopoetics.

Deus Fortier is an Accelerated Evolution Coach, Transformational Artist, Numa Breathwork practitioner and Plant Medicine facilitator. He has over 17 years of experience in the immersive study and practice in non-ordinary states of consciousness, Kriya Yoga, Earth-based spirituality, body-centered psychotherapeutic methods, art therapy, embodiment practices and trauma-informed facilitation.

Wesley Jobe offers additional breathwork facilitation as well the culinary arts. For the past decade, he has dedicated himself to alternative medicine, blending ancient wisdom with modern insights. He completed a four-year training with Numa Somatics to guide others on profound inner journeys. Wesley is passionate about music, storytelling, mythology, and playing the didgeridoo.

Additional FAQ’s

Q: Will there be direct sexual connection between men at this immersion?

While we will be engaging in erotic and sexual themes and practices throughout the duration of the retreat, these are energetic and somatic explorations and under no circumstances will direct sexual contact be invited or allowed.

There may be ‘edgy’ practices and processes that invite an uncommon level of intimate, vulnerable connection as a group in consensual and safe, supportive ways.

Q: Are trans men welcome to attend this weekend?

We acknowledge the sensitive nature of this conversation. After much reflection between the co-facilitators of the event, we have decided to only accept applications from male-bodied men (of any sexual orientation). This is largely due to the recognition that the power & presence of the naked female body can generate a specific consequence, whether or not intended, within a group of men. If you are a trans or intersex man, and wish to discuss, please email